Cultivating Genius

You were born a genius. The whole world opens to you when you acknowledge and express your genius. Usually we define the word genius in association with someone that possesses extraordinary intellectual power. But originally the word genius meant “a guardian spirit of a person.” Using this definition we can evolve the word "genius" into the word “genie,” as in the “genie in the bottle." I believe that each one of us has an extraordinary power that is unique to us, that is the spirit of us. There are no two people alike and when we cultivate our genius, we release our genie out of it's bottle and life suddenly becomes awesome.

How do you cultivate your genius? Begin by investing your energy in celebrating you. Stop comparing yourself to others. When you are critical in a negative way, you will always be able to find someone better than you. Keep in mind, this is only your opinion. It's the judgments based on your own perception. Instead of using your energy to see where you are on the ladder of life, use your energy to assume your place in the circle of life. Begin by identifying your skills and talents.

The next question I usually hear is, “What are my skills and talents? I don’t know." Stop playing dumb, that doesn’t serve anyone. You DO know. You may not recognize your talents and skills because they are natural and come easily for you. When you express them, you feel energized. It is silly for you to believe that everyone else in the world was sent here with a talent but you. Or that everyone else is blessed with the same particular skills that you enjoy and benefit from which in essence minimizes your skills. Or the Universe gave you something you hate to do as your talent! Now really, I assure you that the Universe does not play that game. So give it up.